If you’re thinking about investing in home solar panels, but still have some unanswered questions before you take the plunge, then this blog post is for you!
We’ve taken the five most frequently asked questions from our customers about home solar panels and explained them in short, simple to understand answers.
Let’s start with the basics…
How do solar panels work?
Home solar panels don’t run on batteries, they have no moving parts, they don’t need a power source, but they actually generate electricity for you! A hundred years ago we could have said they run on magic and most people would believe us!
The truth is the incredible technology behind solar panels is as simple as it is brilliant.
They are made up of two silicone plates; one dipped in phosphorous and the other in boron. This makes one plate positively charged and the other negatively charged.
When sunlight hits the plates it gives the negatively charged electrons enough energy to jump across to the positive side, and, as we all learned in school, when electrons move, the result is… electricity!
And that’s how solar panels work. They simply let the sun’s energy do all the work.
Will they save me money?
Absolutely, especially here in Australia.
As a continent, we receive more sunlight per square metre than anywhere else on earth. Combine that with our astronomical power bills, and it’s obvious that installing home solar panels is the financially smart thing to do.
So why doesn’t everyone have solar panels on their roof?
Well, the unfortunate answer is, when they first became available to the general public, home solar systems were very expensive, and that’s a stigma that still sits in the public’s mind.
The truth is, home solar panels have dropped dramatically in price, even within the past few years. And they now affordable and more efficient, so they pay for themselves within a few years!
Do they work on cloudy days?
Contrary to popular belief, solar panels do work on cloudy days, just not as well as they would on a bright, sunny day.
This is because even on a cloudy day, a lot of the sun’s energy still makes it to the ground. Overcast days can still see your solar panels produce about 25% of their usual electricity.
But even at night, a modern home solar system can still give you electricity!
In recent years, solar batteries have become affordable thanks to innovative technologies like the Tesla Powerwall.
These incredible devices act just like regular batteries, storing up the electricity your solar panels generate, ready for use when you need them most.
Why should I install solar panels?
There are three main reasons to invest in home solar panels.
Firstly, that’s exactly what it is – an investment. Solar panels will save you thousands of dollars over the years in power bills, and they pay for themselves surprisingly quickly. Add to that the extra value they add to your house if you decide to move, and it makes financial sense to install them.
Secondly, solar panels are on the cutting edge of renewable technology, and every system installed is one less home reliant on moribund fossil fuels. No individual can save the planet, but every individual can do their part.
Thirdly, at the moment here in South Australia, the Government is actually incentivising you to go solar. The Home Battery Scheme offers up to $6,000 for people investing in home solar panels. On top of that, any electricity you generate but don’t use will go back into the grid and the Government will pay you for it!
Are solar panels difficult to maintain?
Not at all! Because solar panels have no moving parts or external power supply, they are incredibly easy to maintain.
In fact, just a minimal amount of effort will ensure you get the optimal sunlight conversion for the longest time possible.
If your panels are not working as well as they should, or you notice a drop off in electricity production, then it might be something as simple as a tree blocking out the sun.
But even if you’re too busy to maintain your solar panels, most systems come with a warranty that usually covers decades – that’s how tough modern solar panels are!
We can help with your home solar panels
If these questions have piqued your interest in a home solar system, then give us a call today.
When it comes to choosing the right system for your home and budget, we will happily answer any questions or queries you may have, putting your mind at rest, and giving you free, honest advice with no commitment to buy.
Our highly experienced electricians can handle any job, no matter what size, and are fully accredited and licensed by the Clean Energy Council (CEC), giving you complete peace of mind.
Contact us today if you would like to know more about home solar panels or would like a quote for installation.
We’re here to help.

Bright Earth Solar offers a range of exceptional solar products, helping you save money while doing your bit to save the planet. We keep you up to date with new technology, innovation and trends in renewable energy.