Imagine increasing your self-production of hot water by 30%.
That means every time you have a shower or bath, wash the dishes or put a load of laundry on, you’re using hot water you created at no extra cost.
Well that’s exactly what Catch Power does.
And all it takes is a small box.
What is Catch Power?
Catch Power is an Australian company, founded by like-minded people that came together with the same core belief; to make sustainable thinking the norm and not the exception.
Catch have developed a range of solar diverters – perfectly tailored to the tough Australian conditions – that can heat your water at no extra cost, both day and night.
When added to your solar panel system, this simple device can help get the most out of your home solar energy, reducing electricity bills even further.
How Catch Power works
If you have a home solar system, then you know that any excess power generated is fed back into the grid.
What Catch Power does is takes this excess energy and directs it to your water heater instead, thus using your energy for your home.
All it takes is one small device and you can have free hot water, day and night, all year round, saving you thousands of dollars in the long-term.
Obviously, every home is different, but as a rule of thumb, we can safely say that a 5 kW system will provide 98% of your hot water needs!
Australian owned and manufactured
Founded in 2016, Catch Power is an Aussie business through and through.
Built for the average working family, founders Jason and Scott first realised how important feed-in tariffs were to solar power users when the Government decreased them from 60 cents to 6 cents overnight.
And with hot water being the single biggest culprit in energy use in the home, the door was open for something different to help with energy consumption.
The average Australian home consumes 6kWh per day in hot water energy. The average cost of electricity in South Australia is 35.25 c/kWh.
That works out to nearly $800 per year, and that’s just for usage. You’re also charged a supply charge for each day you’re connected, even if you use no electricity.
Heating your water takes up about one-fifth of your total energy usage, so by installing a Catch Power box into your home, you’re likely to reduce your bills by a further 20%.
Blue and Green Catch Power options
Catch Power comes in two options, Blue Catch and Green Catch.
Blue Catch is simply the best free hot water system in the world.
It uses the internet to determine energy usage and monitor your solar panel energy production and usage.
It even goes online and checks the weather forecast to see how much electricity the solar panels will be likely to produce in the coming days!
The Green Catch system is slightly different and is designed for people who don’t have an internet connection. Onboard firmware learns how best to manage solar and hot water.
Both Blue and Green devices are small and discreet with a built-in touchpad for easy selection.
Cut your bills even further with Catch Power!
From having started relatively recently in 2016, Catch Power is growing at a tremendous rate, and has even expanded overseas to New Zealand and New Caledonia.
This is a sure sign that a product works.
And boy does our product work!
You could be generating most if not all of your hot water with this simple little device that only takes 45 minutes to install.
Catch Power is compatible with all new and existing solar installations and can be easily retrofitted to older systems.
If you’ve already made the switch to solar power, then you’ll know how much money you’ve saved and how self-reliant you are with your energy needs.
This little box will take that even further.
Electricity prices are on the rise (as usual), so the sooner you say bye-bye to the electricity companies the better!
If you would like to know more about Catch Power, how it works, or how much you could save by heating your own water, then contact us today.
Our friendly and experienced engineers can help you with any questions you may have.

Bright Earth Solar offers a range of exceptional solar products, helping you save money while doing your bit to save the planet. We keep you up to date with new technology, innovation and trends in renewable energy.