With the world inevitably making the switch to renewable energy, there are still some who are on the fence. If you’re one of those people who aren’t convinced about what the future holds, then please read on to find out the five biggest advantages to you of solar energy and why you should join the party sooner rather than later.
Saves you money on bills
The first reason is also the most self-centred one – solar power saves you money.
A home solar system starts saving you money from the second you switch it on, and with Australia paying some of the highest electricity bills in the world, there’s no time to waste.
This is even more prudent if you live in South Australia.
According to The Australian Financial Review, SA homes are paying the highest prices in the world, more than Germany, Denmark, and Italy, three countries which heavily tax energy.
Solar panels on your roof can drastically reduce your energy bills.
How much money you save depends on how much electricity you use, when you use it, and how big your solar system is, but as a ballpark figure, you can expect to save at least 45% on your bills.
With a battery included in your system, that figure can be over 90%!
For a rough estimate on how much you would save by switching to solar, check out this online calculation tool.
Return on investment
Because solar panels save you money, over time they end up paying for themselves.
And it doesn’t take that long!
When residential solar systems first became available, one of the biggest complaints was how long it would take to get your money’s worth. But technology has come a long way since then, and a new solar panel system will pay for itself in about 4 years!
And when you consider most companies offer at least a 20-year warranty with their panels, it doesn’t take a mathematician to work out the savings.
Solar panels not only pay for themselves in a few short years, but they also add value to your home should you decide to move.
According to real estate statistics, installing a 5kW solar system adds an average of almost $30,000 to the retail value of an average-sized home.
That means not only will you get your money back on solar panels if you move house, but homes with solar systems also sell around 20% faster.
Even if you don’t move, solar panels are incredibly low-maintenance.
With no moving parts and no external power source, they work almost by magic – you can just sit back and let them do their work.
Freedom from big companies – one of the biggest advantages of solar energy
One of the biggest advantages of solar energy is the ability to become self-reliant with your electricity needs.
A few years ago, the Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) shut off power to an estimated 90,000 homes in Adelaide in the middle of summer because too many people turned on their air conditioners.
The heatwaves of the past few years have shown us just how ill-prepared the power companies are when it comes to a spike in demand.
As the grid deteriorates, power companies have no option but to raise prices in order to keep things moving and make a profit.
Things are only going to get worse, costs are going to increase, and power cuts will become more frequent.
A simple solution for you and your family is a home solar system.
Advantages of solar energy – clean, renewable energy
The renewable energy revolution is a total break from the old ways of fossil fuels.
Solar energy is a clean, unlimited, and continuous source of energy, which costs less to generate and transport.
There are fewer infrastructure costs when it comes to renewables, and as the industry is booming, millions of people around the world are employed working in this growing sector.
A global push towards renewables is underway, even if there is a small but vocal minority, so why wait for the inevitable?
Saves the planet
There are many advantages of solar energy, but perhaps the biggest one is the environmental impact.
Global warming is at a tipping point, with the burning of fossil fuels over the past 200 years seriously damaging the atmosphere and the planet’s climate.
With everyone switching to renewable energy – countries and governments down to families and individuals, we can stop the catastrophic damage and maybe even reverse it.
With the recent global lockdown due to the Covid-19 pandemic, we have seen first-hand how quickly nature can replenish itself if we just let it.
The time to invest in solar is now
The Australian climate is perfectly suited to capture the sun’s energy and use it in our day to day lives.
We have the highest concentration of sunlight per metre squared of any continent on earth, receiving more than ten thousand times the nation’s total energy consumption.
Here in South Australia, one-third of all residential homes have solar panels, but it’s not difficult to imagine that figure rising dramatically over the coming years.
The advantages of solar energy are numerous, but for the individual, they boil down to two things; saving money and saving the planet.
The average household can save thousands of dollars by investing in solar panels, and the sun offers an unlimited source of energy that does not strip the landscape or harm the ozone layer.
Making the switch is the smart thing to do, so if you’re interested in joining the solar revolution, we can help.
Here at Bright Earth Solar, we have years of experience in the installation of solar panels, both residential and commercial.
Our experienced engineers can help you choose the right system for your unique needs, explaining everything, and work out how much you’ll save over the coming years.
Contact us today for more information and one of our friendly staff members will be happy to answer any questions you may have.
Bright Earth Solar offers a range of exceptional solar products, helping you save money while doing your bit to save the planet. We keep you up to date with new technology, innovation and trends in renewable energy.